Wednesday, July 04, 2007

But no hats for Monkeys

We have hats and we have monkeys but we have no hats for monkeys.

Seriously, it has been a lazy day spent mostly knitting. I did get dressed. But not until about noon. And I walked the dogs briefly when the skies threatened to open (they didn't, at least not yet today, for the first time in 10 days).

And dh declared he wanted apple pie, and he peeled, sliced, and cinnamon-sugared the apples, so I made a pie crust. I may be the last person in the US who still does crust from scratch. Not often, mind you, due to the general not-so-healthy-ness of something with sooo much Crisco, but it's good once in a while... and it is a holiday.

Back to knitting content... there are hats finished. You saw the starts of these two recently:

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I knitted the rounds of the regia at at knit night last night and started the top decreases. Finished the decreases this morning. Cast-on was 72. A friend at work, who has young kids, says it's a newborn to 3 months size.

There is 30 grams left on each (of two) balls on this Regia sock yarn, so...
I cast on another hat. I gave the yarn a tug on one ball, and the new hat will have a different, somewhat planned way for the colors to combine and stripe. Stay tuned. It's on hold while I knit socks. And seam up something pink. And available for when I might need truly mindless knitting. One advantage of a hat is that it doesn't need a matching (or not) little buddy, i.e. there is no second hat syndrome.

And we have progress on the Monkeys. This is monkey#2:

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I did the gussets and heels today. [Angeluna, check out the little puddles on the upper arch ankle area. I didn't notice it until I took the pic.] We're on the homestretch now. Five chart repeats and some cuffs and some binding off and we'll have a finished pair Monkeys.

I'm doing something a little different on the cuffs.
I owe you details.


Blogger AR said...

Your monkeys are so cute. I love the color.

Pie crust from scratch! Mmmm I bet that pie was great.

7/05/2007 8:36 AM

Blogger Angeluna said...

Very nice Monkeys. Can't wait to see your new "twist" on the cuffs.

Your pie sounded yummmm. I don't even use Crisco, but "pate brisée", French butter crust. Not often, but if I make a pie, it is a tarte with that crust.

7/05/2007 1:46 PM

Blogger Micki said...

I love the Regia hat! And the Monkeys are looking great too. How are you liking the Panda Wool?

I have never bought pie crust, so you certainly aren't the last holdout. However, I'll admit that I "cheat" and use the food processor. :)

7/05/2007 6:45 PM

Blogger Jeri said...

I feel like I'm cheating when I use the pastry blender. I used the two knives method for sooo long.

I like the Panda wool. There is an adjustment period while you get used to the multiple strands. Like most bamboo yarns, it is composed of many many strands. The wool content is high (43%) and it seems to have the wooly memory.

And the pie is great.

7/05/2007 7:10 PM

Blogger CurliSu said...

IMNSHO pie crust that's not home made is not REAL pie crust. I use butter but I've read that the best and flakiest are made with (this sounds so gross) lard. I bought a pound but haven't tried it yet.

7/09/2007 10:22 PM


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