Friday, February 23, 2007

10 years

Yesterday was a great day. I didn't post about it because I wasn't sure whether to come out about it or not. Most of my Sisters of the Wool don't know.

I had my annual doctor's appointment with my oncologist. On Tuesday I had an MRI (brain) and a CAT scan and blood work and a mammo. On Wednesday, I put one foot in front of the other and tried to get through the day. dh wanted to buy tickets for our trip to SF in April. I said you've waited this long, wait one more day. On Thursday, I worked a half day then headed to the clinic. I tried to knit but my hands were shaking.

You see, ten years ago, I felt fine. There was no lump. I had a mammogram and the next thing I knew, I had cancer. There was lymph node involvement. It was agressive and invasive. I had surgeries, and chemo and radiation and more chemo. Now once a year, I have tests and I worry. Until the doctor tells me I'm ok. Then I forget about it for a year.

So rejoice with me. I'm ok. No cancer this year.

I've been doing the race for the cure for 15 years or more. I did the race in 1997 just before all of this started. I did the 1 mile in 1998 with no hair when I wasn't even sure whether I could walk around the block. I wore my pink hat and cried tears of joy as I crossed the finish line and they cheered.

I'm doing the race for the cure this year too. If you would like to make a donation to help with the fight against breast cancer, click here to visit my personal page that the komen Tarrant group makes for race participants.
If the text above does not appear as a clickable link, you can visit the web address:
If you would like to walk with me, that would be great too.

knitting content tomorrow, I promise,


Blogger bookgrump said...

This is so much more important than knitting content! I, for one, am really glad that you made it through (and continue to make it through). My life is richer for knowing you.

2/23/2007 11:07 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great news J.!!!

2/24/2007 7:11 AM

Blogger Lynn said...

LittleBit and I are standing here, wiping our eyes. I told her she had to come read. I'm so glad that the news is good, again, this year. I didn't know but probably should have suspected. You have that quiet dignity and grace that comes from facing down your own personal Gethsemane. May the news continue to be good, every year. You are a grace and a blessing in our lives.

2/24/2007 11:03 AM

Blogger Aisling said...

Wow. That is awesome news. We love you!!!! See you soon (I hope!)

2/25/2007 5:17 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

That's wonderful, as is your dedication to the Race for the Cure - I'll be making a donation in your name when I get paid. Congratulations and God Bless on another cancer-free year for you - I'll pray it stays that way. :)

2/28/2007 6:28 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I found your blog after you left a comment on mine. I searched and found this post. To me, there's nothing better than hearing from a woman who has a lot of years under her belt after cancer. I was so happy you commented and even happier to hear that you're in great shape! Like I said in my post, it's a club we never wanted to join, but there are lots of good people here. The best to you!

8/31/2008 9:30 PM


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