Monday, September 25, 2006

Adjustments for 3 lilies

Well, swallowtail is proceeding well toward the finish but these rows are getting looong.

I could tell by projecting stitch counts per row that I would need more stitches going from the extra lily chart to the final border. Four extra stitches by my calculations to make the transition from the last row of lily to the first row of the final border chart. I devised a scheme to add an extra row (and associated purl back row) to the final lily motif. You know how the yo nupp yo moved over from row to row? Well, my extra row moved it over one more. Elegant, I'm thinking. So clever, I'm thinking.

Well, I moved on to the final border chart and neared the center and my row was not coming out "even". I went back and checked my stitches. They looked ok. I checked my calculations. They looked ok. What's up?? Well, after much counting and refiguring I determined that not only must one have a multiple of 8 (plus lead in and follow up stitches) in the row leading into the final border, one must have a multiple of 8 on the left and a multiple of 8 on the right (plus those other stitches). Stated another way, one must have an even multiple of 8 or, yet another way, one must have a multiple of 16 (plus those other stitches). The short story is that I needed 4 more stitches on the left of center, and 4 more stitches on the right. I considered rewriting the center transition stitches but did not feel up to it. After much grumbling, I tinked back some stitches and left off some decreases (4 of them) so that the result was that I had my extra stitches. This row has a series of ssk-k1-k2tog yo-k3-yo. That's not the sequence of the repeat as written but that's how my brain remembers it. Well, that ssk-k1-k2tog makes two stitches go away and if it is replaced here and there by k3, 4 times total, or 2 times on each side of center, there's my 8 missing stitches. I have marked these areas with clover markers, which I will leave for the next picture (not tonight, it's late). I have knitted in the next two right side rows, and cross your fingers, it seems to be working.

Now, my question is, what should you do if you add an extra lily chart? And somehow you need an extra 12 stitches? Suggestions please.

more later, but not tomorrow, because you know, Tuesday is knit night,


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Swallowtail looks great, can't wait to see it finished.

9/27/2006 8:49 AM


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