destashing --- what is that?
An unusual phenomenon is happening here at chez maple. I mentioned last week [link] about listing some yarn for sale or trade on ravelry. It's going pretty well. About half of the yarns have "moved on". But this is not normal around here.
What usually happens is that yarn comes in, from one of my lys's or from the internet. [I puzzled over that phrasing but I guess that's how it seems, in my head.] Anyway, it usually hangs around on the dining room table for a time. Then it gets into a bag for knitting or goes into a bin, in the room I used to call the quilt room but there's been precious little quilting in the last coupla' years. And the stash is reduced only by yarn which becomes finished objects.
However, I've recently come to the opinion that there is some yarn that I have knit and don't want to knit again, or yarn that I bought and I just don't want to knit. And it was time to move it on. Hence the ravelry offerings.
The maple man is oblivious to most of the yarn. And to the knitting. Except for the knitting on his sweater which he considers honorable knitting of the highest order. But I digress.
I mentioned to him this afternoon about mailing out some yarn. He asked if I had plenty of packing tape. (I had him hunting for tape last week. We didn't find it. I bought more and now it will turn up...) I told him I was destashing some. He gave me a puzzled look. He said, "What do you mean? Hiding yarn at someone else's house?" I said, yeah, kind of...
Your husband is such hoot. Hiding yarn at other people's houses - LOL.
12/08/2007 10:44 PM
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