Monday, October 08, 2007

more yarn to show

We have more plied yarn:

yarn100807 005

There are about 34 yards (22 grams) of the multi-colored yarn and about 43 yards (36 grams) of the almost white.

The multi-colored is from this roving from my dye test:
Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

And is shown on the second bobbin:
Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

The almost white is a plying together of the first bobbin above (corriedale) and the third bobbin (targhee).

I'm a novice spinner, but I would say that the yarn is variably spun with overspun and underspun sections, and perhaps (no, probably) is overplied. I do need to figure out how much twist is right and how much ply twist makes it balanced. But it's "yarn" and the knitter in me wants to knit it. I think it wants to be bubby from knitty [link].


Blogger bookgrump said...

You're a spinning machine! I like the pink! I think either one would be a very cute Bubby!

10/09/2007 6:17 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Where did you get that wheel?

Tee Hee,


10/10/2007 5:07 PM

Blogger Jeri said...

My wheel is from Woodland Woolworks. Excellent customer service, quick shipping, very nice fiber freebies included with my purchase. Here's a link though I'm not sure if it will be clickable in the comments:
If it's not clickable, you can use copy/paste.

10/12/2007 10:41 PM

Blogger Sheknits said...

Pretty yarn Jeri-- someday I would love to learn to spin--thaks for letting me know aboutmy missing test in that link....dope (me not you)

10/12/2007 10:46 PM


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